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Payment participation for purchase of the hearing aids

Iceland Health provide grant for the purchase of hearing aids from others than The National Hearing and Speech Institute of Iceland.

  • The grant amount is 60,000 ISK or 120,000 ISK depending on whether you buy devices for one or both ears.

  • You can apply for a grant every 4 years

  • Grants are not taxable

  • Sellers must have an operating license rom the Ministry of Health, which includes the following: Heyrðu, Heyrn, Heyrnartækni, Heyrnarstöðin and Lyfja Heyrn

Eligible for a grant are:
  • Health insured persons over 18 years of age and including persons in residential and nursing homes

  • Those who have a tone average value of at least 30 db on the better ear

Application process
  • Sellers send an electronic application, including the invoice and hearing measurement

  • The grant is paid to the seller who deducts the grant amount from the price of the hearing aids

Hearing aids purchased at Heyrnar- og talmeinastöð Íslands

  • Iceland Health does not pay subsidies for the purchase of hearing aids at Heyrnar- og talmeinastöð Íslands

  • When hearing aids are purchased there, the grant is deducted from the cost and the individual pays the difference

Service provider

Ice­land Health