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Fasteignafélagið Þórkatla

Start accepting properties in Grindavík again on Monday

31st May 2024

The property company Þórkatla has decided, in consultation with the Civil Protection and the Chief of Police in Suðurnes, to continue receiving real estate in Grindavík as soon as Monday.


The real estate company Þórkatla has decided, in consultation with the Civil Protection and the Chief of Police in Suðurnes, to continue receiving real estate in Grindavík as soon as Monday. The decision is however with the proviso that conditions in the town and at the volcanoes will not change for the worse.

Örn Viðar Skúlason, CEO of Þórkötlu, says the decision was made in full consultation with the parties involved. “We do this, however, not least because we find that many sellers are anxious about further postponement of the delivery of the assets. Delays can lead to delays in settling the payments for the transfer and many have already accounted for these payments in their accounts.”

The reception of the assets will take place at a special meeting and up to six employees on behalf of Þórkötlu will carry out this task in the coming weeks. The company will send an e-mail to those who had a delivery booked this and next week, with a URL where people can book an appointment for delivery. The company has also considered the requests of people who have requested a delay in the delivery of assets for various reasons.

Access to Grindavík is currently only by South Coast Road and people are encouraged to familiarize themselves with open access routes to the town. In addition, both Þórkötlu employees and the public are encouraged to always follow the instructions of the Civil Protection Agency.