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National Planning Agency

Notes on the Marine Research Institute proposal for aquaculture farming areas in Arnarfjörður

14th August 2020

The Icelandic Marine Research Institute (Hárannsóknastofnunin) announced on 3 July a proposal for a fish farming area in Arnarfjörður in accordance with Article 4a of the Law on Aquaculture. The presentation period was until 7 August last year.


Decision on demarcation of farming areas

The amendments to the Law on Aquaculture which took effect in 2019 stipulate that the Marine Research Institute (MSRI) should decide on fish farming areas in the sea. The decision of the Institute is made on the basis of the sheer sheer capacity and the best overall utilization of the possible farming areas but other activities in the area and existing applications for aquaculture should also be taken into consideration. Furthermore, the coastal zone planning should be taken into consideration when deciding on farming areas, if available. The decision on demarcation of farming areas is a prerequisite for the Minister of Fisheries to be able to allocate areas for aquaculture in the sea. It can therefore be said that the decision is equivalent to demarcation of land for aquaculture.

Relationships with the development of coastal regional planning

The Icelandic Coastal Planning Agency is currently working on behalf of the regional council on the development of a coastal area plan in the Westfjords. The coastal area plan shall define a policy and provisions for the allocation of all the area covered by the coastal area plan. It considers the use and protection of remote areas and bays and the interaction of different uses. It may include energy production, construction, aquaculture, material collection, transportation, protection, outdoor activities and tourism. The planning work therefore considers a wide range of interests and considerations that need to be balanced when deciding on the future use of the remote areas and bays in question. A coastal area plan thus creates a framework for operation and protection in the overall planning area.

Presentation of the proposal by the Marine Research Institute

If, as in this case, a coastal zone plan is not available, the Agency shall make the proposal of the Marine Research Institute public and give the possibility to submit comments before the Agency gives an opinion to the Marine Research Institute.

The Icelandic Marine Research Institute (Hárannsóknastofnunin) presented a proposal for a fish farming area in Arnarfjörður in July. Sixteen comments were submitted to the proposal.

The comments of the Icelandic National Planning Agency on the proposal of the Marine Research Institute are based, in addition to the above mentioned comments, on data from ongoing work on the development of coastal zone planning in the Westfjords and an assessment of the environmental impact of aquaculture, especially with regard to possible inconsistencies with other exploitation or conservation interests in Arnarfjörður.

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