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National Planning Agency Frontpage

National Planning Agency

Coastal planning in the Eastern and Westfjords

6th May 2020

The preparation of a coastal area plan in the Westfjords and Eastfjords is underway on the basis of the Law on the Planning of Marine and Coastal Areas. The Regional Council for each region, appointed by the Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources, is responsible for the preparation of the relevant coastal area plan. The planning organisation is responsible for the preparation of the plan under the authority of the regional councils.

Coastal planning in the Eastern and Westfjords

Description of the project and consultation website

The preparation of a coastal area plan in the Westfjords and Eastfjords is underway on the basis of the Law on the Planning of Marine and Coastal Areas. The Regional Council for each region, appointed by the Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources, is responsible for the preparation of the relevant coastal area plan. The planning organisation is responsible for the preparation of the plan under the authority of the regional councils.


Regional councils in the Eastfjords and the Westfjords are simultaneously announcing descriptions for the preparation of coastal area planning in the regions. It explains how the planning work is planned. The descriptions are available at the Icelandic National Planning Agency and at from May 7 to June 1.

Printed copy can be obtained from the Icelandic Organising Authority.

All are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the content of the descriptions and to submit suggestions on approaches and topics in the planning work. Suggestions must be in writing and can be made available by letter to the Planning Agency, by e-mail. The deadline for submitting suggestions is 1 June 2020.

The description is presented according to Article 11 of the Law on the Structure of the Sea and Coastal Regions.

Consultation website

It has been opened. It can provide information on how the areas are used for recreation, tourism and utility, along with emphasis on the areas’ strengths, challenges and opportunities. Everyone is encouraged to participate. The website will be open until 4 June. Information gathered through the website will be used in the work ahead of the development of coastal area planning in the East Fjords and West Fjords.

Presentation sessions

The planned work on the development of coastal area planning in the East Fjords and West Fjords will be presented at web meetings and streamed on the Icelandic Coastal Planning Agency’s Facebook page at the following times:

  • May 12, 15:00, presentation of the description for the development of the Westfjords coastal area plan

13 May, 15:00, presentation of the description for the development of the coastal area plan in the East Fjords

National Planning Agency

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Phone number 595 4100

Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 9 to 4
Fridays: 9 to 1

Borg­ar­túni 7b

Borgartúni 7b
105 Reykjavík

National Id: 590269 - 5149

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