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The Icelandic Blood Bank Frontpage
The Icelandic Blood Bank Frontpage

The Blood Bank

Research and innovation

1st September 2023

Conference of the Blood Bank and the University of Reykjavík, 1 September 2023

Frettamynd Umonnun

The conference will take place in room V101 at the University of Reykjavík, 15:00-17:30, and will be in the line-up for the 70th anniversary of the Blood Bank, which began operations in 1953. It is open to all.

  • 15:00 Ólafur E. Sigurjónsson, Head of School at the University of Reykjavík and Unit Manager for Research and Innovation at the Blood Bank. Statistics of the scientific work of the Icelandic Blood Bank 1953-2023

  • 15:10 Arngrímsson, professor and specialist in the Blood Bank, is to be tried. Blood Bank, Icelandic Genetic Genetic Research Entrepreneur

  • 15:30 Ólafur E. Sigurjónsson, Head of School at the University of Reykjavík and Unit Manager for Research and Innovation at the Blood Bank. The Blood Bank, pioneer in research into stem cells and blood components in Iceland

  • 15:50 Níels Árni Árnason, unit manager for the blood bank stem cell processing. Smith cleaning, increased safety in use of blood components.

  • 16:10 Coffee break

  • 16:20 Angelo D'Allesandro, Professor and Director of the Metabolomics Core, University of Colorado Denver – Anschutz Medical Campus. From omics technologies to personalized transfusion medicine

  • 17:00 Óttar Rolfsson, professor, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland. Systemic approach to understanding platelet metabolism during storage

  • 17:20 Ólafur E. Sigurjónsson, Head of School at the University of Reykjavík and Unit Manager for Research and Innovation at the Blood Bank

  • Summary: The value of research and innovation for the operation of the Blood Bank