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Children's passport information available in Í app

14th April 2023

You can now see your passport and children's information in your custody in the Í app

vegabref passport

It contains general information such as name, gender, passport number and period of validity. This will make it easier for people to access information from their passport or children in their custody, e.g. when booking flights.

The passport information can not be used in the Í app or in My pages instead of the passport or when travelling abroad. It is therefore important to carry valid passports with you at all times when travelling.

In 2022 an average of 3758 passports were issued each month, and the application volume for passports increased in March to the highest level in May and June according to . The year 2023 has produced 13,503 passports.

General passports valid for 18 years of age and older are 250.763 and passports for children 18 years of age and younger are 87,150 in total. Efforts are under way to confirm custody by electronic means between the guardians. This includes increased comfort for guardians who live in separate parts of the country, for example, or for other reasons, both of them are unable to come to the application site with their children.

Likewise, it will be possible in the next few weeks to apply for a passport digitally, with the hope that this will simplify the lives of many people.

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Fri. 8:30 - 14

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Fri. 9 - 13:30

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Mon. to Thu. 9 - 15
Fri. 9 - 14

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Mon. to Thu. 9 - 15
Fri. 9 - 14

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Mon. to Thu. 9:15 - 15
Fri. 9:15 - 14


Mon. to Fri. 8:30 - 15