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Information for applicants for Icelandic citizenship to Alþingi

27th April 2022

A law on the granting of Icelandic citizenship has been passed by Alþingi.


Alþingi has passed a law on the granting of Icelandic citizenship that took effect on April 23rd.

The Directorate of Immigration is now preparing a letter of confirmation for those applicants who were granted Icelandic citizenship. Registers Iceland should have received the letters by the beginning of next week. Only when the Icelandic citizenship has been registered in the National Registry, which can take Registers Iceland a few days, can an Icelandic passport be applied for. Passports are applied for at the offices of a district commissioners around the country.

Alþingi sends a letter of refusal to those who were not granted Icelandic citizenship. The decision on granting was entirely in the hands of Alþingi. The Directorate of Immigration therefore cannot give any information on why a particular applicant was or was not granted Icelandic citizenship.