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Updated dashboard on waiting for nursing homes

16th November 2023

A dashboard showing statistics on waiting for nursing homes has now been updated on the Directorate of Health's website.

-Automatic translation

The dashboard contains information on the number of people waiting for nursing homes, the number of people moving to nursing homes, the waiting time of those who moved to nursing homes each year and the number of beds in each health district.

The average number of people waiting for nursing homes in the third quarter of 2023 was 482, similar to the number of people waiting in the second quarter. Fewer people were waiting in the first quarter of 2023 and the fourth quarter of 2022. As before, more women than men were waiting. Most people were waiting in West Iceland and fewest in East Iceland. In the first nine months of 2023, 703 individuals moved to nursing homes. In the same period in 2022, 776 moved to nursing homes.

According to Landspítali's Starfsemisupplýsingar, 77 individuals with an accepted nursing home pre-admission assessment were waiting for discharge from Landspítali at the end of September, 17% fewer than at the same time in the year 2022.

A report from the Ministry of Health from 2021 on the status of the implementation plan for the building of nursing facilities indicated that the number of nursing homes should be increased by 250 in the capital area in addition to the projects already in the current project plan (622 new beds and 259 improved facilities). An updated implementation plan is expected shortly.

More information:
Kjartan Hreinn Njálsson, Assistant to the Medical Director of Health