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Licence for drinking space

9th March 2022

The Directorate of Health issues the first licence to operate in the area of consumption.

According to proceture, municipalities may apply for a licence to operate consumption rooms. Consumption rooms are legally protected environments where consumers who are 18 years of age and older can inject narcotic drugs intravenously under the supervision of staff, and the highest standards of hygiene, safety and infection prevention are ensured. The operation of consumption rooms is subject to detailed rules and the quality manual for its operations must be available before an operating licence is granted. Drug consumption rooms are based on the ideology of harm reduction as the goal is to reduce the health, social and economic consequences of using legal and illegal drugs. In the temporary provisions of the Regulation, the Directorate of Health is authorised, until premises have been opened as consumption space, to grant the municipality a licence to use a specially equipped car temporarily, provided that the official meets the requirements of the Regulation, as appropriate.

The Directorate of Health issued a licence to operate a specially equipped car today, cf. the above. The operations of the Red Cross shall be carried out by the City of Reykjavík in accordance with an agreement. The Directorate of Health shall supervise the operation.

For further details see the web page of the Icelandic Red Cross.

For further information, please contact Kjartan Hreinn Njálsson, assistant to the Medical Director of Health.