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Respiratory infections. Week 5 2024

8th February 2024

The new summary examines the incidence of respiratory infections and hospitalizations due to them and compares the situation in Iceland with the situation in Europe.

Öndunarfærasýkingar. Nýtt tölublað

The number of people admitted with respiratory virus infection to Landspítali Hospital each week has decreased since the beginning of the year­. The number of COVID-19 and RSV diagnoses has also been declining since the beginning of the year, but the number of influenza diagnoses, which increased towards the end of the year, has fluctuated from week to week.

The vast majority of diagnosed cases of influenza this winter have so far been of influenza A.

In the fifth week of the year, one case of measles was diagnosed in the region, the first since 2019, along with one case of mumps, the first since 2020. The person with measles was hospitalized for the illness.

In a new summary (Icelandic), the incidence of respiratory diseases in the fifth week of 2024 is reviewed in more detail.

The Chief Epidemiologist