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Nordic survey on diet and physical activity

20th March 2024

The third round of a large Nordic study on diet, physical activity, and physique in children and adults, together with alcohol and tobacco use in adults, is about to begin. The English name of the study is Nordic Monitoring of Diet, Physical Activity, and Overweight (NORMO).

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The Directorate of Health coordinates the survey in Iceland in collaboration with Gallup, which will collect the data. The Directorate of Health cooperates with experts from similar institutions in other Nordic countries. Participants are randomly selected from the National Registry to participate in the survey.

The survey aims to monitor changes in diet, physical activity and physique in the five Nordic countries—Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden—and obtain comparable data between the countries. Alcohol and tobacco use by adult Nordic residents will also be investigated. It is essential to compare periods to use in public health work in the years to come.

Every answer matters

Good participation and public support are essential to get an accurate picture of the way people in the Nordic live. As individuals' habits vary, information is lost with each person who chooses not to participate in the survey. Therefore, the study's organisers would like to encourage everyone who will be contacted to participate.

The survey will be conducted by phone, but you can also answer the questionnaire online. The call from Gallup will take 10-12 minutes. All data will be processed in a non-personally identifiable database.

More information
Hólmfríður Þorgeirsdóttir and Jóhanna Eyrún Torfadóttir
Nutrition Project managers at the Directorate of Health