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Presentation of the revised recommendations on physical activity and the opening of Lífshlaupið

6th February 2024

A revised version of the official recommendations on physical activity and sedentary behaviour will be presented on Wednesday, February 7, from 12:00 to 13:00.

Physical Activity - revised recommendations and Lífshlaupið 2024

-Automatic translation

Lífshlaupið 2024 will be opened at the same time. The Medical Director of Health leads the meeting, and the President of Iceland, the Minister of Health, and the President of ÍSÍ will deliver speeches.

The recommendations are based on the World Health Organization guidelines on physical activity and sedentary behaviour published in 2020, the American recommendations (2018), and the adaptation of other Nordic countries. The recommendations are the result of the work of a professional group organised by the Directorate of Health, which includes experts from the Directorate of Health, the Icelandic Healthcare Development Center, the University of Iceland, the University of Reykjavík and the University of Akureyri.

Main changes from previous recommendations from 2008:

  • This edition includes recommendations on physical activity and independent advice for reducing sedentary behaviour.

  • Recommendations specifically aimed at the diverse group of disabled people are now included in the recommendations for the first time.

  • The second significant change relates to the age groups adults and older people – there; the critical recommendation has changed from at least 30 minutes of brisk physical activity in total per day, every day of the week, to at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of brisk physical activity in total per week (as well as other ways to meet the criteria).

  • It continues to be emphasised that children and young people exercise regularly and do brisk to vigorous exercise for at least 60 minutes daily, which should be achieved on average during the week.

  • Even more emphasis is placed on strength training for all groups, especially older people. The fitness group 67+ is a new participation group in Lífshlaupið this year.

  • Now, brisk or vigorous physical activity does not have to last at least 10 minutes to count; now, every minute of physical activity counts.

  • There is a strong emphasis on the importance of moving a little rather than not at all: Limit sedentary behaviour - all physical activity is essential.

Anyone interested can watch the event live:

More information about the recommendations and Lífshlaupið

Physical Activity - Recommendations from the Directorate of Health
Heilsuvera - Physical Activity (Icelandic)
Lífshlaupið 2024 (Icelandic)

Gígja Gunnarsdóttir and Hildur Guðný Ásgeirsdóttir, project managers at the Directorate of Health