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International Day of Happyness 2024- Youth Happiness Forum

20th March 2024

On the occasion of the International Day of Happiness 2024, on Wednesday, March 20, the Directorate of Health, the United Nations Association of Iceland, the Union of Icelandic Municipalities, Festa—the Center for Sustainability, and Endurmenntun of the University of Iceland are holding a forum in the University of Iceland (Hátíðarsalur) between 13:00 and 16:00.

-Automatic translation

This year's topic is young people, but the forum title is " The Happiness of Young People—How Do We Best Prepare Them for Life?" The focus of this year's session will be on their well-being and participation in the job market.


13:00 - Opening

  • Address - Willum Þór Þórsson, Minister of Health

  • Happiness data - How are our young people doing? Dóra Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir, head of the public health division at the Directorate of Health and teaching director of the diploma course in positive psychology at Endurmentun HÍ

  • The changed focus of new generations on the labour market. Ísabella Ósk Másdóttir, communications director of Festa - Center for Sustainability

  • Greetings every day!" - Public health inside and outside Krónan. Fanney Bjarnadóttir, public health project manager at Krónan

  • Can happiness be sustainable? Eggert Benedikt Guðmundsson, leader in the field of sustainable development in the Prime Minister's Office

14:10 - Coffee break

  • Empowering young people for a brighter future: Promoting happiness, gender equality and sustainable development. Vala Karen Viðarsdóttir, Executive Director of the United Nations Association in Iceland, together with reflections from Thelma Lind Árnadóttir and Sóleyja Guðjónsdóttir from the Children and Youth Council of the United Nations Global Goals.

  • "From dysfunction to participation" - Multidisciplinary development project at the Municipality of Árborg. Gunnar Eysteinn Sigurbjörnsson, head of Árborg's leisure services department

  • "Good to see you!" Áslaug Arna Sigurbjörnsdóttir, Minister of Universities, Industry and Innovation

  • Happy dance. Margrét Leifsdóttir, architect and health coach

  • Panel discussion

16:00 - End of the forum

The moderator is Gunnar Hrafn Kristjánsson, and Elín Hirst moderates the panel discussions

The forum is open to everyone and will be live-streamed.