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Innovation at Landspítali University Hospital - Telehealth Services Meeting

4th July 2022

An innovation meeting on telehealth services and future solutions was held at Landspítali University Hospital on 17th May. Participants from all over the country participated.

An innovation meeting on telehealth services and future solutions was held at Landspítali University Hospital on 17th May. Participants from all over the country participated.

The meeting was a success, not least as a basis for an important forum for diverse parties within the health service. The purpose of the meeting was to strengthen dialogue and collaboration towards solutions relating to telehealth services at the national level.

In this video, Helga Margrét Clarke, project manager of telehealth solutions, at the Directorate of Health and Signý Jóna Hreinsdóttir, project manager at Landspítali University Hospital, describe the focus of the cooperation.