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Reykjanes eruption and its health effects

30th May 2024

Yesterday, May 29, a volcanic eruption on Reykjanes re-emerged with significant impact, resulting in notable gas pollution. The primary pollutant is sulfur dioxide (SO2)

Mynd. Eldgos á Reykjanesi í Maí 2024

Sulfur dioxide is colorless but has a smell similar to fireworks. Exposure to SO2 can cause lethargy, headaches, eye and throat irritation, and other respiratory symptoms. Due to the observed air pollution, children and individuals with heart and lung conditions should avoid prolonged outdoor activities and keep windows closed to minimize exposure.

The public, especially those in the southwest, is encouraged to regularly check gas diffusion prediction from the Icelandic Met Office and monitor gas pollution levels on the Environment Agency of Iceland's website, This site provides real-time measurements of air quality, including sulfur dioxide levels, with simplified, color-coded results and a table with practical instructions on how to respond to increased pollution levels.

Additionally, the Chief Epidemiologist highlights an prepared by various organizations. This brochure explains the health effects of air pollution and provides information on protecting yourself from pollution caused by volcanic eruptions.

Stay informed and take necessary precautions to ensure your safety during this period of increased volcanic activity.

For additional information:

The Chief Epidemiologist