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Annual reports on cervical and breast cancer screening 2021

3rd May 2023

Annual reports have been issued for 2021 on cervical cancer screening and breast cancer screening.

Lit ISL ENG Stort

-Automatic translation

Annual reports for 2021 on cervical cancer screening (Icelandic) and breast cancer screening (Icelandic) have been published.

The reports present a quality outcome based on the quality indicators chosen by the Directorate of Health after the current arrangement of cancer screening was established. The reports include, among other things, figures on invitations and attendance for cervical and breast cancer screening in 2021. Response time, research results, and incidence and mortality rate for these cancers are also discussed.

Annual reports for 2022 will be published later this year.

Further information:
Kjartan Hreinn Njálsson, assistant to the Medical Director of Health