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Digital Iceland Frontpage

Digital Iceland

Benefits of digital processes

Please note that information on this page is still being edited.

Digital Iceland has developed a methodology for evaluating the benefits of digital processes. The benefits are varied and it can be difficult to put financial measures on the improvement of service. Here an attempt is made to highlight the benefits of the main sizes and emphasis is placed on highlighting changes in the time of citizens when they seek out the service.

Process name

Quantity per year

The number of transactions for a specific service in one year

Transaction time in minutes

Estimated transaction time of service. The waiting time of the service recipient is not included.


Number of visits required to complete the process. If you have to go to the place to apply and then come back to apply, then input 2.

Trip length in kilometers

Approximate average distance from organization

The aim is that the model that has been put in place can be used by institutions to estimate the benefits of digitization processes as well as to use Digital Iceland in prioritizing projects. Opportunities for institutions to highlight their most costly processes, compare in a consistent manner and raise the opportunities that digitization processes offer.

The project is based on the concept of cost per delivery, where an attempt is made to estimate the cost per delivery, digital or traditional.

During the development of the calculator, a significant number of digital processes were reviewed and the numbers used as the basis for calculations are supposed to reflect average numbers.

The calculations highlight changes in the process of moving from a paper process to a digital process where the user can try out the process himself. The cost of providing services digitally is not measured in this case with the cost of the older method but only changes in time and cost of each service. Special emphasis is also placed on the change in time of citizens to access services digitally.

The estimated benefits are expected to be minimal benefits from digitizing processes since digitization provides numerous opportunities for improvement in the operation of institutions. For example, opportunities in changing housing needs or changes in internal processes are not included in the calculations.