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20th July 2023

Norovirus group infection linked to a restaurant in Reykjavík

An unusual number of reports of digestive symptoms were submitted to the Reykjavík Public Health Authority and the Chief Epidemiologist, following the weekend of 8-9. July 2023. Furthermore, there was also a lot of discussion about such illnesses on social media.

Lit ISL SVL litið

-Automatic translation

Many people linked their symptoms to having eaten food in a certain restaurant in Reykjavík, but around 110-120 people reported illness. Immediately upon suspicion of food-borne group infection, the Reykjavík Health Authority and the Chief Epidemiologist began an investigation to find the cause and to stop the spread. At first, it proved difficult to get samples from people, but after a sufficient number of samples were obtained and repeated tests were carried out, it was clear that it was a group infection with norovirus.

There was good cooperation between all parties involved in this investigation, including the restaurant operator. However, the pathogens causing these symptoms were not identified.

What was unusual about this group infection was the large number who fell ill. It should be noted, however, that more digestive infections are ongoing that are not related to this group infection. It can be difficult to identify the source of such infections.

The case is now considered closed by the Chief Epidemiologist.

The Chief Epidemiologist