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28th July 2023

World Hepatitis Day

The World Health Organization (WHO) raises the awareness of hepatitis virus on 28 July each year. This year the slogan is: One life, one liver, which reminds us that we only have one life and only one liver, but hepatitis can hurt both.

-Automatic translation

The World Health Organization (WHO) will raise awareness of the hepatitis virus on 28 July each year. This year the slogan is: One life, one liver, which reminds us that we only have one life and only one liver, but hepatitis can hurt both.

Inflammation of the liver with viruses can lead to serious diseases and liver cancer. Thousands of children, young people, and adults become ill every year due to acute viral hepatitis infections. This is the best-known of the five hepatitis viruses: A, B, C, D, and E.

Most acute hepatitis infections cause mild or even go undetected, but symptoms can develop later when the disease is advanced. Sometimes an infection leads to complications or even death. Hepatitis B and C are the most worrying but there is treatment available for so many complications and death could be prevented.

The international community has made the elimination of hepatitis B and C infections a priority. These viruses can lead to chronic hepatitis, which affects people for decades and causes over one million deaths a year worldwide from cirrhosis and liver cancer.

On International Hepatitis Day 2023, WHO emphasizes the need for better access to diagnosis and treatment. A concerted effort by countries aims to eradicate hepatitis by 2030.

The Chief Epidemiologist