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14th April 2023

Let's be smart in the sun and use sunscreen

In the spring the sunshine gives us welcome light and warmth, and people enjoy outdoor activities in the sun. The sun gives us warmth, but also ultraviolet radiation, which can harm us if we are not careful.

Lit ISL ENG Stort

-Automatic translation

Children's skin is much more sensitive than adult skin. Therefore, it is especially important to protect their skin and prevent them from burning in the sun. If you go out in the sun in the middle of the day, the best protection is clothes and a hat, for both children and adults, but sunscreen can be applied to the exposed areas.

Enjoying the sun and being outdoors doesn't have to be a great risk if we follow some simple advice and use common sense to avoid burning in the sun.

The document Let's be Smart in the Sun (Icelandic) contains some suggestions on how we can protect ourselves from the sun's dangerous radiation in southern regions, but do not forget that due to the clear atmosphere in Iceland, ultraviolet radiation from the sun can cause sunburn in a short time.