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26th October 2022

The study Health and Wellbeing in Iceland conducted for the fifth time

The Directorate of Health is currently conducting an extensive study into the health and wellbeing of residents. Seventeen thousand people have been contacted and asked to answer an electronic questionnaire.

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The study Health and Wellbeing in Iceland conducted for the fifth time
The Directorate of Health is currently conducting an extensive study into the health and wellbeing of residents. Seventeen thousand people have been contacted and asked to answer an electronic questionnaire.

The main objective of this study is to assess the health, wellbeing and welfare of adults and monitor changes that may occur over time. The study was first conducted in 2007 and then repeated in 2009, 2012 and 2017. This is the fifth time that the Health and Wellbeing questionnaire has been sent to citizens, and people who are foreign nationals who live in Iceland are now invited to participate for the first time.

The results of previous studies have proven to be valuable material that have been used by the Directorate of Health, the government, the university community and others involved in important decisions, actions and research concerning the health and wellbeing of residents of Iceland.

It is my wish that those who have been chosen to participate this time respond well to the Directorate’s request to answer a questionnaire. The data is non-personally identifiable when it is processed. By participating, residents will have the opportunity to contribute to increasing knowledge about the health of adults, and that knowledge will be used to promote public health. Good participation greatly increases the value of the study, and everyone’s contribution is valuable and highly valued.

More on the study Health and Wellbeing

Alma D. Möller

Medical Director of Health