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25th July 2024

Participation in general vaccination of children in Iceland 2023

The Chief Epidemiologist’s annual report on the number of children who participate in general vaccinations in 2023 has been published. The report is both national and by district.

Mynd með frétt

- Automatic translation -

The annual report on participation in general vaccinations in Iceland is based on information on vaccinations registered electronically in the systems connected to the central vaccination registry of the Chief Epidemiologist. The report shows the current status of the vaccinations when the report was prepared in June 2024 but does not strictly take into account the year of vaccination or where vaccination was made (in Iceland or abroad). More details on how participation is calculated are discussed in the introduction to the report.

The Icelandic Medicines Agency also submits material for the report for the second time, due to adverse reactions of vaccines used in general vaccinations.

The Chief Epidemiologist