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31st March 2023

Stykkishólmur becomes a Health Promoting Community

Stykkishólmur officially became a member of the Health Promoting Community (HSAM) on 20 March 2023.

-Automatic translation

The municipality Stykkishólmur officially became a member of the Health-Promoting Community (HSAM) on the 20th of March, when Mayor Jakob B. Jakobsson and the Medical Director of Health Alma D. Möller signed an agreement in Stykkishólmur. Attendees included students in grades 4-10 at the primary school. Following the signing, attendees of all ages took part in a refreshing zumba dance led by Agnes Sigurðardóttir. The municipalities Steering Group on Health Promoting Community includes representatives of the town hall, preschool, primary school, youth council, Aftanskin/Senior Council, youth and sports committee and from the Sports Centre. HVE has also been consulted. Magnús Bæringsson, leisure and youth worker, is the HSAM contact for the municipality Stykkishólmur.

The main objective of Health-Promoting Communities is to support communities in working systematically to create environment and conditions that promote healthy lifestyles, health and well-being for all residents. In such a society, health and wellbeing of the population are the forefront in policymaking and action in all areas. Health-promoting pre-, primary and upper secondary schools, Health-promoting workplaces and health promotion for the elderly is an important part of the Health-Promoting Community. With the implementation of Health-Promoting Community, local authorities are working towards the implementation of the United Nations global goals.

The municipality of Stykkishólmur is the 39th community in Iceland to become a Health-Promoting Community and with Snæfellsbær, which joined the same day, around 95.3% of the countries population now live in such a community.

Gígja Gunnarsdóttir, project manager of the Health-Promoting Community