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18th March 2024

Surveillance audit of mental health teams in prisons

In December 2023 and January 2024, the Directorate of Health conducted a surveillance audit of the mental health team of prisons belonging to the capital area's primary health care.

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-Automatic translation

The reason for the audit was a request received by the office concerning the lack of mental health services for prisoners. This audit includes issues related to policy, management, service, safety culture, and staffing, as well as an examination of continuity and consultation between service levels.

The report has now been published on the Directorate of Health's website.

The office's recommendations focus on the administrative structure of prisoners' health services. Still, the current arrangements do not seem to support the coordination of the services and consultation of service providers. The office's recommendations focus on the arrangements of the service and quality and improvement work.

The Directorate of Health will follow up on the recommendations and suggestions made in the report.

Further information
Kjartan Hreinn Njálsson, assistant to the Medical Director of Health