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23rd March 2023

Step by step - morning meeting March 29

VIRK, the Directorate og Health and Vinnueftirlit ríkisins will host a meeting on health-promoting workplaces, Wednesday, March 29, under the title "Step by step".

-Automatic translation

The morning meeting will be held at VIRK in Borgartún 18 (in the dining hall, entered from the back) and online. The meeting starts at 8:30 and lasts until 10:00 am

The morning meeting is open to everyone, but attendance must be registered here


  • Presentation of new website and videos

  • Implementation of a health-promoting workplace at Hafnarfjarðarbær - Hulda Sólveig Jóhannsdóttir

  • Implementation of a Health-Promoting Workplace at Efla - Sylgja Dögg Sigurjónsdóttir and Rakel Ýr Guðmundsdóttir

  • Questions and chat

This morning's meeting is the thirteenth in a series of meetings on health promotion at workplaces and is part of the collaboration between VIRK, the Directorate of Health, and Vinnueftirlitið on health promotion and prevention at workplaces.

The partnership aims to promote better health and well-being of working people, prevent burnout, and reduce dropouts from the labor market.

Everyone is welcome to the morning meeting on March 29, but attendance must be registered - here. 

Facebook event - Step by step.