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11th April 2024

New Dashboard: Tracking Infectious Diseases

The Chief Epidemiologist has launched an interactive dashboard featuring information on specific infectious diseases monitored under the Act on Health Security and Communicable Disease Control.

Mynd. Mælaborð smitsjúkdóma

Drawing data from the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Landspítali – University Hospital and the Akureyri Hospital, the dashboard presents case numbers categorized by various demographic factors. Additionally, it provides disease frequency data, indicating the number of cases per 100,000 population annually.

The dashboard aims to enhance accessibility to statistical data regarding infectious diseases overseen by the Chief Epidemiologist. It supersedes Excel documents previously available on the Directorate of Health's website, containing case information up to the year 2021. Updates to the dashboard are planned annually in conjunction with the release of the Chief Epidemiologist´s previous year's Annual Report.

The dashboard is a work in progress and will undergo continuous refinement. For instance, gender data is currently absent for COVID-19 cases, but it will be incorporated into the dashboard once available.

The Chief Epidemiologist