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12th December 2023

Catch Quota Exchange market - call for tenders

The exchange market opens today, Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 at 14:00. The deadline for submitting offers is until 14:00 on Tuesday 19th December 2023.

fiskistofa fish in net photo

The Directorate of Fisheries calls for tenders for exchange of catch quotas in specified specie below in exchange for catch quota in cod. According to Article 4 of Regulation on commercial fishing for the fishing year 2023/2024


Cod values





When evaluating offers, the average price of the catch quota for the last month is used, which for cod is ISK 481.09 kr/kg.

Offer is sent through the Directorate of Fisheries new tender market system. Authorized signatories or persons who have been granted a power of attorney, see instructions, can submit an offer to the tender market in a user-friendly and simple way.

  • There is no minimum bid requirement.

  • Each allocation of quota costs ISK 14,000. according to service fees of the Directorate of Fisheries.

  • Please familiarize yourself with the exchange market regulations.