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14th August 2024

Investigation of an outbreak in South Iceland

On Wednesday, August 7th, the Health Inspectorate in South Iceland received a notification that a group of individuals who had stayed at Rangárvellir in South Iceland in late July had subsequently developed symptoms of gastrointestinal infection.

Mynd með frétt um iðrasýkingu

The Health Inspectorate paid a supervisory visit on the same day and took water samples for testing. Preliminary results on Friday, August 9th indicated E. coli contamination in the water. Immediately, the local business at Rangárvellir was instructed to boil all drinking water and inform visitors about possible contamination. The presence of E. coli in the water samples was confirmed the following day, in low quantities however. These results indicate possible contamination of drinking water in the area, warranting further investigation and actions. The Food and Veterinary Authority and the Chief Epidemiologist were informed on Monday, August 12th. A steering group meeting was called on Tuesday, August 13th, according to procedures for investigation of waterborne or foodborne outbreaks. Representatives of the Health Inspectorate, the Food and Veterinary Authority, the Chief Epidemiologist, the local District/Regional Medical Officers, and the Department of Microbiology at Landspítali were present.

The conclusion of the meeting was that a number of people traveling in this area had developed gastrointestinal illness and that the origin and cause of the illness were not known. Further data collection was planned to determine the scope of the incident, including the number and travels of those who became ill. The primary health care will organize a collection of samples from individuals connected to this outbreak.

The Chief Epidemiologist