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12th September 2023

Public Health Indicators 2023

Public Health Indicators 2023 will be presented in Tjarnarsalur, Ráðhús in Reykjavík on Thursday 14 September from 13:00-14:30. The presentation will be available on-site or on-stream.

Determinants of health and the Global Goals - pricture

Public Health Indicators are a collection of indicators intended to give clues as to the health and well-being of the population. Public health Indicators by health regions have been published annually since 2016 and now, for the first time, Public Health Indicators will be published for the nine largest municipalities. Public Health Indicators aim to facilitate local authorities, Health Promoting Communities, health services, and others to analyze the situation in their districts, identify strengths and challenges, and assess the population's needs so that it is possible to work systematically to improve health and wellbeing.


  • Address: Alma D. Möller, Medical Director of Health

  • The value of Public Health Indicators for Local Authorities – Mayor Dagur B. Eggertsson

  • Public Health Indicators and society, health, and diseases - Sigríður Haraldsd. Elínardóttir, Head of Health Information, Directorate of Health

  • Public Health Indicators and lifestyle and wellbeing - Dóra Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir, Head of Public Health, Directorate of Health

  • Public Health Indicators and Work of the Health Promoting Community - Gígja Gunnarsdóttir, project manager of the Health Promoting Community, Directorate of Health

  • Discussions

The moderator is Harpa Þorsteinsdóttir, project manager of public health in the City of Reykjavík.