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27th August 2024

Preparation of a sign language interpreter - Academic paper

In May, two papers were published by Hólmfríður Þóroddsdóttir, Fríða, who works here at the Communication Centre. Both papers were based on her Master’s degree from the University of Iceland and discussed the preparation of sign language interpreters for their assignments.


The previous article was published in the journal Ritið, a journal of the Institute of Humanities. The article is about preparation of sign language interpreters in general, but also specifically about how sign language interpreters do this part of their work. It is stated that the main issues that need to be taken into consideration in preparation are grammatical issues, topics, special language formats, voice interpretation and situations.

Fríða worked on the second article with her instructor from UI, Karen Rut Gísladóttir. The article was published in the American journal Journal of Interpretation and discussed the effects of preparation on the quality of the interpretation. It is stated that the interpretation is better if interpreters prepare for their tasks.

Fríða has previously published an article in the journal ‘Ritinn’ based on her Masters project and has also lectured and lectured on the subject at universities and interpreters’ unions in Iceland and the Nordic countries.