25th August 2023
25th August 2023
One payment per year a good option
Every month, approximately 70 thousand individuals receive payments from TR and for part of the group, namely those with low payments, it can be more economical to receive one payment once a year. Thus, the rights of the person concerned are calculated annually based on the tax return of the last year and one payment is received afterwards.
One payment per year instead of monthly payments is particularly suitable for those with basic living from non-TR and those with irregular and high capital income.
The main advantages of this arrangement are:
Payment of pension is correct as the benefits are calculated afterwards and based on tax returns
Neither deficit nor debt are incurred following settlement
A revenue plan is unnecessary
To receive one payment per year instead of monthly, you must apply on My pages of TR.
A group of TR customers have received a letter of encouragement to use this option. In this way, we want to help reduce the number of payment irregularities to our customers.