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24th April 2024

Notification from the District Chief Epidemiologist in East Iceland


Due to a case of measles that was detected in the northern corner of Iceland on April 19th, the District Chief Epidemiologist in East Iceland reminds the public that the Directorate of Health has issued a notice in Icelandic, English and Polish, which can be read here.

Among the important things that are stated there are:

  • Symptoms occur 1 - 3 weeks after infection (multicultural festival was 14 April).

  • Risk for unvaccinated.

  • The need for infection prevention and who are considered vulnerable individuals in this regard. This is reaffirmed to enable people to make their own decisions about how to stay put, for themselves and for the sake of others.

This is to make it possible for people to make their own decisions about how to stay in the loop for themselves and others.