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5th September 2024

New psychiatrist hired to SAk

Ágúst Ibsen Snorrason has been appointed as a psychiatrist in the psychiatric ward of SAk, with a 75% post, as of 1 October.

Ágúst Ibsen Snorrason, specialist in psychiatry
  • Ágúst studied medicine at the University of Debrechen and received a specialist license 2022. He worked at the Akureyri Hospital as a medical student in the psychiatric ward, assistant doctor and special education doctor in 2013-2016 and as special education doctor at Region Skåne 2018-2022.

  • Ágúst will primarily work as a psychiatrist in the psychiatric field in 50% on site and 25% of hospital grounds. He will also teach staff and students, participate in the development of work processes, work on the development of multi-disciplinary teamwork in teleconferences and develop the outpatient services.

“We, the staff of the psychiatric ward, are extremely pleased welcome Ágúst to our team so that the service and improvement work that has been put in place can be further carried out. The focus is always on our client group - that is most important,” says Ragnheiður Reykjalín Magnúsdóttir, head of the day and wmbulatory ward of the psychiatric ward at SAk.

About the psychiatric ward at SAk:

The psychiatric ward at the Hospital in Akureyri plays an important role in the service of adults with mental disorders in the north and east of Iceland and provides day- and ambulatory service. In addition, the ward plays a key role in cooperation between service systems involved in the service of people with mental health problems.

Link to more information about mental health on SAk's website here.