3rd February 2023
3rd February 2023
New look for TR
Today, the Social Insurance Administration presents a new brand appearance, along with a new color use in all the agency's content, but this appearance update is part of continuous improvement work within TR, with good service and good interface.
The logo of TR is a feature of the agency and is well known. The logo was designed by designer Tryggvi Tryggvason and has been in use for many years. The changes to the logo are not radical, but they were made by the advertising agency Kontor and have been consulted with Tryggvi about the change. The logo is now only in green.
“At TR we are currently working on a number of improvement projects in our business, which focus on improving information, more accessible information and modern service channels. The brand change and new color use are part of this development. These changes include beautiful improvements in colour composition and drawing style. Our brand also changes even though there is no complete redesign of the label itself,” says Sigrún Jónsdóttir, director of communications at TR.
“It was the advertising agency Kontor that designed a new look for TR and the goal is for us to present our content in a clear and informative way. We are concerned for our customers and we want this to be reflected in our continued use of the green colour, which represents balance, growth, safety, freshness and contentment, among other things,” Sigrún explains.