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19th January 2024

Mental health during uncertain times

Prolonged uncertainty and natural catastrophes have significantly impacted the lives and well-being of the people in Grindavík. It is essential to take care of mental health and make use of the existing coping mechanisms.

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Practical information about well-being, coping with natural hazards and available resources regarding psychosocial support can be found on an information website for the residents of Grindavík. The Directorate of Health has also published research-based advice during uncertain times that may help protect well-being.

The residents of Grindavík are encouraged to use the Service centre in Tollhúsið, Tryggvagata 19, Reykjavík, where it is possible to get information, education and counselling from Red Cross professionals. The Service Centre is open every weekday from 10 to 17, but you can also contact the Service Centre by phone at 855-2787 and email

Alma D. Möller, Medical Director of Health