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4th September 2024

Improved services through a mutual service system

Digital Iceland has recently concluded agreements on a joint service system between Í and the main service agencies. The agreement was awarded after a prior call for tenders.

The purpose of the common service system is to improve services and ensure that institutions have access to a system that provides a good overview of queries, average waiting times, type of queries and improves cooperation between institutions. The service system will make institutions better able to cooperate and thus to process user queries more quickly. Part of the implementation is a certain automation that will allow institutions to respond to common queries more quickly and efficiently with the help of artificial intelligence.

Birna Íris Jónasdóttir CEO of Digital Iceland.

The service system marks a big step towards improved and more efficient public services in Iceland and is accessible to all public bodies. With this we simplify people’s lives greatly with improved services in Iceland.

Harpa Þuríður Böðvarsdóttir, Director of Traffic at the Icelandic Transport Authority.

The implementation of the system has been successful and we feel that it will improve the quality of the service, increase communication efficiency and ensure rapid response to queries. We also see that the new service system will allow us to simplify processes, use automation and analytical tools to meet customers' needs in an effective manner even better than before.

An important part of the new system is strong statistical analysis, which gives institutions the opportunity to improve their services with more accurate information on what causes user queries. This will allow for systematic improvements in information and processes.

The Icelandic Transport Authority and the Í service center have already implemented the system successfully. In addition, the District Commissioners, the Financial Management Authority, and the Icelandic Health have started implementation, with Digital Iceland leading the implementation process.