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6th May 2024

Implementation report of the study Health and Well-being in Iceland 2022

A report on the implementation of the study Health and Wellbeing in Iceland 2022 is now available on the study's website at the Directorate of Health.

Health and wellbeing logo - english

-Automatic translation

The study Health and Well-being is a study of the health, well-being, welfare and lifestyle of adults in Iceland. The survey has been conducted at regular intervals since 2007 and was administered to a large sample of Icelandic and foreign nationals residing in Iceland for the fifth time in autumn 2022. In addition, it was submitted to a group of people who have participated in the study in its previous rounds.

The research provides authorities, researchers, and other stakeholders with valuable information on the state and development of the health and lifestyle of adults in Iceland, thus providing a good basis for further knowledge and policymaking in areas related to public health in Iceland.

The implementation report describes the study's conduct in detail—administration, participation, questionnaire content, and data processing and handling. The report is an important source of information on the research's nature and content, which is especially useful to researchers who work with the data for further analysis and knowledge creation.

Researchers can apply for access to the data of the Health and Well-being 2007-2022 study on the Directorate of Health's website. The Directorate of Health encourages scientists to use the research and the information it provides for further knowledge creation.

Further information
Kjartan Hreinn Njálsson, assistant to the Medical Director of Health