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8th March 2024

Iceland seconds a statement on higher airspace operations

In the statement issued by the EU member states, USA, Canada, Japan, and the UK, the states voice their support of ICAO’s efforts to address the challenges and opportunities associated with higher airspace operations.

Ísland styður yfirlýsingu um flugstarfsemi í efri lögum loftrýmis

Iceland seconds the statement issued by the EU member states, USA, Canada, Japan, and the UK where the states voice their support of ICAO’s efforts to address the challenges and opportunities associated with higher airspace operations.

The term “airspace users” is no longer limited to operators of conventional aircraft and civil aviation operations are increasingly taking place in airspace above that primarily used by conventional aircraft. Iceland agrees with the need for ICAO to prioritise its work regarding the development of standards aimed at facilitating higher airspace operations, for both manned and unmanned aviation. There is an imminent need to establish a global framework that will provide the flexibility necessary to respond to the needs of the industry while continuing to ensure the safe and sustainable use of the airspace for all users.

Joint Statement on Higher Airspace Operations (HAO)