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10th March 2022

This news article is more than a year old

Iceland for Ukraine has an information area for those who wish to support Ukraine.

Ukraine - sharing on facebook

Iceland has opened its hearts and borders to those who are now fleeing the war in Ukraine. On Í you can find information for those who want to support Ukraine. It is a collection of information on Icelandic NGOs that are in cooperation with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

There you can also register housing for refugees. The Multicultural Information Center in Iceland handles the registering.

Offer housing

Financial contributions and resources to Ukraine

Direct funding is generally of better use than equipment and data from the general public. It is therefore generally recommended that those who wish to contribute to aid organisations and other resources because of the situation in Ukraine examine direct financial support to United Nations agencies and organisations already in the field. Here is information on individual collections run by Icelandic NGOs that cooperate with the Ministry for Foreign Affairs:

Other recognised aid organisations that organise fundraising for refugees from Ukraine:


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