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2nd February 2024

Hole in Arctic Fish's sea farm at Haukadalsbót in Dýrafjörður

On 31st of January the Directorate of Fisheries received a notification from Arctic Fish that a 30 x 10cm hole had been found in sea farm number 7 in Haukadalsbót in Dýrafjörður.

light house

The hole was discovered when a net bag was inspected with an underwater drone. The hole was at around 2 meters depth. The company's response plan was activated, the hole repaired and nets placed around the hole. According to information from Arctic Fish, no salmon were caught in the nets.

The Directorate of Fisheries does not consider it likely that fish have escaped through the hole, based on available information. The Directorate of Fisheries will not take any further action on the matter unless information is provided that farmed fish have been noticed in nearby areas or fishing lakes. Information regarding that can be sent to the Directorate of Fisheries at