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5th May 2023

Hand washing is an important infection prevention

World Hand Hygiene Day is 5 May

-Automatic translation

We all know that washing hands is necessary to keep them clean. During the COVID epidemic, we were regularly reminded to clean our hands by washing our hands or applying hand sanitizer. The fact that people were diligent about hand hygiene, but also reduced their contact with other people, was effective in reducing the spread of the virus. This also resulted in a lower incidence than usual of common communicable diseases such as diarrhea and influenza.

Today, 5 May, is the World Hand Hygiene Day. The World Health Organization reminds us that hand hygiene is important for infection protection. The videos below provided by ECDC show how bacteria and viruses are spread from one to the other in everyday life.

Hand washing is important - Clean hands prevent infection.

The Chief Epidemiologist