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26th June 2024

Grants for quality projects and scientific research in health services

A call is open for applications for grants to the Bergþóra Magnúsdóttir and Júlíus Bjarnason Memorial Fund.

Lit ISL ENG Stort

-Automatic translation

The Bergþóra and Jakob Memorial Fund operates under the auspices of the Directorate of Health and, according to a confirmed charter, cf. the law on the same subject. The fund's purpose is to strengthen quality and scientific work in Icelandic health services. Quality in healthcare means that healthcare services are safe, well-timed, non-discriminatory, user-centred, and efficient.

Grants from the Memorial Fund can be allocated to well-defined quality projects or to scientific research that the Ethics committee has approved. Priority is given to projects that promote patient safety and cancer research.

Projects shall have clear objectives and account for the expected results and how results will be assessed. A progress report must be submitted after the project has been completed. Grants are not awarded for the operation of institutions or associations, conferences, or projects run for the applicant's profit. Grants are not awarded to individuals except through institutions, workplaces, or associations.

This time, the allocation will be up to ISK 15 million, and grants ranging from one to three million ISK can be applied for. The Fund's Board of Directors, which consists of the Medical Director of Health, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Iceland, and the Director of Icelandic Health Insurance, shall decide on grants following a professional assessment by the reviewers.

If you're interested in applying, please note that the deadline is August 1st. Grants are expected to be allocated in September. To apply, visit the fund's website and submit your application electronically. Please remember that only electronic applications are accepted.

Further information
Kjartan Hreinn Njálsson, assistant to the Medical Director of Health