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21st December 2023

Donation to the rehabilitation ward

The HSA Rehabilitation Unit in Neskaupstaður received a gift in memory of Anna Þóra Árnadóttir, a physiotherapist who worked at the Institute for many years. This is a Bobath class, which is a dual therapy class.

The class will benefit a large group of clients such as older people, individuals with paralysis, Ms, Parkinsson and others. The class is wide and gives the client safety when exercising but it will also be very useful in children's rehabilitation but child rehabilitation was valuable to Anna and always very high in mind.

Anna Þóra's family had a plaque prepared that will accompany the class with the words "NOT FORGET TO DECLARE, COMPLETE AND BROS THE GOOD BY RE-USE". These words clearly describe the Anna Þóra we knew here in the HSA. Anna Þóra always came into the room smiling and preferably singing and dancing. She had in this way a unique way of getting people to dance and sing with her. Whether it was clients or us, the employees.

The gift will be of great use to the Institute and the HSA will thank you with all its willingness and support.