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23rd June 2023

The Directorate of Fisheries and the Coast Guard sign a cooperative and cooperative agreement

The Director of Fisheries and the Director of the Coast Guard signed the agreement at the Coast Guard's office in Skógarhlíð yesterday.

Fiskistofa - Georg and Ögmundur

The agreement is valid for 5 years and with it the successful cooperation of the institutions has been formalized and underlines the will of both parties to strengthen cooperation between them in connection with the control of fisheries.

The agreement is intended, among other things, to coordinate responses, goals and priorities in relation to fisheries control. The aim of the agreement is also to ensure that the collection and sharing of information between institutions is targeted and regular and that there are coordinated action plans.

It will be an interesting and fun project to strengthen and further develop the cooperation. Utilize the technological progress and experience of the staff of both organizations for joint projects aimed at protecting and maintaining the nation's main resource.