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27th November 2023

European Nursind Assistant Day

On Sunday, November 26, the European Nursing Assistant Day was celebrated. About 100 nursing assistants work in various jobs at the Akukreyri Hospital. Anna Fanney is one of them.

Anna Fanney Stefánsdóttir

Name: Anna Fanney Stefánsdóttir

Year of birth: 1990

Where are you from: Akureyri

Education: Nursing assistant and massage therapist

Hobbies: I really enjoy traveling, reading crime stories and last year I discovered that I enjoy cross-country skiing! (Despite having treated many broken patients after cross-country ski accidents😉).

What were you in a previous life: Leading sheep.

What does a day look like in the life of a nursing assistant at SAk: Coming to work, having coffee and checking what's for dinner. All kidding aside, it looks really good. Busy, diverse, informative and challenging. Full of thoughtfulness and love, gratitude, laughter and joy.

What's the most fun at work: Seeing the progress of our patients, all the treats and of course fun colleagues❤️.

What is the most challenging part of the job: Not being able to save everyone.

We wish all paramedics a happy day!

Anna Fanney Stefánsdóttir