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15th November 2022

December allowance for jobseekers

The unpaid December allowance is 94,119 ISK. At the same time, jobseekers with dependent children receive a special December allowance for each child under the age of 18.

The Directorate of Labor - logo

Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour, has signed a regulation on the payment of the December allowance to jobseekers.

The December allowance is ISK 94,119. Job seekers with dependent children will also receive a special allowance for each child under the age of 18.

Full December benefit is granted to those who confirm their job search between 20 November and 3 December 2022 and have been fully insured in the unemployment insurance scheme for a total of ten months or more in 2022. The payment of the December benefit to those who do not have full benefits in the unemployment insurance scheme is calculated in proportion to their right to unemployment benefits in 2022 and the number of months that they have received unemployment benefits. The amount of the payment will never be less than ISK 23,530.

The child or children's allowance does not include any reduction, but in all cases amounts to six percent of the unreduced December allowance, or ISK 5,647 per child.

The Directorate of Labour will pay the December allowance to job seekers by 15 December.