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6th October 2023

Completed infringement cases in last fishing year 2022/2023

The Directorate of Fisheries has compiled information on results of the 70 infringement cases that were closed by decision in the last fishing year.

Fiskitofa processed infringement cases histogram

Types of infringements vary and the most common ones were:

  • discard

  • failure to deliver catch information

  • fishing without a permit

  • weight fraction

Case closures were the following:

  • 29 decisions to revoke fishing permit.

  • 26 reprimands.

  • 5 reported to the police and two of them are still being processed.

  • 6 guidance letters.

  • 4 dropped, one due to engine failure and another on the basis of emergency rights.

During the past fishing year, the Directorate of Fisheries published all decisions on suspension of fishing permits and the revocation of weighing licenses. The publishing is intended to increase credibility and trust in the work of the Directorate of Fisheries and to increase transparency.