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25th October 2023

Applications - Public Health Fund 2024

The Public Health Fund 2024 is now open for applications, and the deadline to apply for grants is November 15, 2023.

Lit ISL ENG Stort

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The role of the Public Health Fund is to support public health work that is in line with the objectives of the Medical Director of Health and Public Health Act, focusing on health promotion and prevention. Grants are awarded for projects and practical research.

The focus of funding for 2024 will be the following:

  • Actions aimed at promoting mental health

  • Actions aimed at promoting social skills

  • Actions aimed at healthy diet, sleep, and exercise

  • Alcohol, drug, and tobacco prevention

  • Projects related to sexual health

  • Projects targeting minority groups to promote health equity

  • Actions that contribute to the balance between urban and rural areas

The following policies will be taken into account:

Projects that meet the following criteria have priority:

  • Projects carried out in broad cooperation between stakeholders

  • Projects with their own financing and/or complementary contribution

  • Projects that are not carried out exclusively by organisations on a fixed budget

The projects should be based on a professional foundation and have realistic and clear goals. It must be explained how the project's success will be evaluated, and a progress report must be submitted after completion.

Applicants are encouraged to apply in time to reduce the load on the application system in the last few days before the application deadline. Giving yourself enough time to complete the application is also a good idea so that all information and supporting documents are available.