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1st September 2023

Applications are open for mackerel fishing for vessels in class - A

Class A vessels can apply for an additional mackerel authorizations until 10th of September.

light house

Applications for allocation should be sent to, stating the vessel for which allocation is being requested.

This allocation is based on the provisions of the regulation on the allocation of 4,000 tonnes of additional fishing allowances for mackerel. According to the regulation, the Directorate of Fisheries must distribute the quantity that has not been allocated to B-class vessels, equally to the A-class vessels that request allocation. At the time of publication of this announcement, there are 3,729 tons in the pot.

The price of the harvest rights is equal to the fishing fee for mackerel at any given time, or 3.48 ISK/kg according to the announcement of resource rent for the year 2023.