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30th June 2023

Annual report 2022 is published

The Directorate of Health's annual report for 2022 has been published.

-Automatic translation

The Directorate of Health's annual report for 2022 (Icelandic) has been published. It contains information on the extensive activities of the office in the last year and reviews the main projects and milestones reached.

The Medical Director of Health, Alma D. Möller, writes a preface, which states that effort must be made to use the health system most sensibly so that resources, whether capital, human resources or housing, result in the best possible health. Attention must be given to the organization and integration of services, innovation, telehealth services, and process optimization, but especially to the quality and safety of the services. In the preface, the Medical Director of Health furthermore points out that human resources need to be considered, and that employment is satisfactory. It is necessary to increase the number of trainees in the healthcare professions and also to make sure that healthcare professionals are satisfied with their work. These factors include a healthy work environment, improved work organization, reasonable workload, good conditions, and salary.

Hildur Björk Sigbjörnsdóttir, Web and Publication Manager